Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)

Connecting force that drives innovation

ZonMw connects people and organizations around relevant societal and scientific issues that influence health, healthcare and well-being. We work closely with a wide range of stakeholders: researchers, healthcare providers, care professionals, care support staff, policymakers, clients, citizens and experiential experts.

More knowledge with fewer animals

With the programme More Knowledge with Fewer Animals (Dutch acronym: MKMD), ZonMw encourages the development of new animal-free models and the acceptance and implementation of existing animal-free research methods. Where that is not (yet) possible, we focus on the more effective use of results from animal experiments.

Funding is an essential part of scientific research and the transition towards animal-free innovations. These funds allow new NAMs (New Approach Methodologies) to be (further) developed.

Making animal testing redundant

ZonMw implements the MKMD programme on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nature (LVVN). In doing so, we work closely with TPI partners and other relevant parties, including: 

Knowledge agenda Transition to Animal-free Innovations

ZonMw wants to be at the forefront of innovations that make animal testing unnecessary, and it is important to know where further gains can be made. That is why we made the Knowledge Agenda Transition to Animal-free Innovations in 2023, which identified the obstacles and solutions. It contains several recommendations towards their stakeholders. This Knowledge Agenda is the basis for MKMD's programming for the coming years.