Top Sector Life Sciences & Health (Health~Holland)

Driving force behind innovation

Health~Holland is the driving force behind innovation within the LSH sector. We strive to achieve both economic and societal impact. As Innovation Facilitator and Economic and Social Impact Coordinator, Health~Holland brings together different parties to share knowledge, resources and innovations. In this way we promote the development of innovative concepts, products and services, and ensure their valorization and practical application.

Better research, preferably without laboratory animals

Health~Holland wants better research on pharmaceuticals, food safety and risks of substances, preferably without laboratory animals. To replace animal testing, we support the search for better alternatives by stimulating science, business, politics and society. This is not only better for humans, animals and the environment, but also offers new opportunities for the Dutch innovation landscape.

Contributing to animal-free innovations

Health~Holland fulfills within the Transition Programme for Innovation without the use of animals (TPI), a connecting and stimulating role by promoting innovations, collaborations and funding that contribute to the acceleration of animal-free innovations.

We fund promising projects that fit within the goals of animal-free innovations, stimulates knowledge valorization and knowledge transfer, and connects parties.

An example is the Program Humane Measurement Models in which Health-Holland collaborates with the Collaborating Health Funds, among others. This program focuses on the development of human-centered research methods such as organ-on-a-chip and in vitro technologies. The program encourages public-private partnerships and provides funding for projects that increase the relevance and applicability of research for human health while reducing animal testing. This accelerates innovation in animal-free and patient-centered science.

Example (in Dutch): Humane Measurement Models