Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
Knowledge and creativity for The Netherlands
The Academy is the forum, the voice and the conscience of science in the Netherlands. Our institutes lead the way here and abroad with their research and collections. Our activities are based on the conviction that knowledge and creativity are the most important ingredients for well-being and prosperity.
Reducing the number of laboratory animals
The KNAW promotes, supports and recognises excellent science and interprets the results of research for society. We articulate the importance of scientific research, knowledge and understanding for the economic, physical, social and cultural welfare and well-being of human beings.
In certain cases, important scientific questions in ecological and biomedical fields can only be answered by using animal experiments. We are open about this, but does believe that every effort should be made to reduce the number of laboratory animals and minimise animal suffering.
Only animal testing if there is no other way
The starting point for the KNAW is that animal testing should only be carried out if there is no other way to answer the question at hand. If replacement is possible, this will be done. We encourage the development of animal-free methods within its own organisation. The KNAW is ‘agendalid’ of TPI.
Funding is provided through the KNAW's 3V Fund for development of non-animal methods. Examples of funded projects include:
- A method of using photographs (instead of blood samples) to determine the sex of oystercatchers in the open field.
- Several projects where cultivated human cells could be used to replace tissue from animals. In 2024, for example, €100,000 was awarded for the development of an animal-free model to replicate a human embryonic aorta, capable of producing blood stem cells.