Retrospect of the conference "The 3Rs and NAMs: all inclusive?
On June 19, more than 170 people from the various networks of Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (3Rs) and non-animal innovation gathered in Media Plaza of the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. More than 70 people also joined online. We thank all participants, in the room and online, speakers, panelists, chairperson of the day Desiree Hoving and the four organising parties for an inspiring day as the photo galery will show. Our conclusion: 'The 3Rs and NAMs: all inclusive!'

Photo gallery
On this page we share photo’s and information about the parties that organised this conference.
Photo's: Robert Oosterbroek

The organising partners: contact and collaboration
These four organisations made the conference possible. Would you like to get to know us better, stay informed about the transition to animal-free innovation and explore opportunities to collaborate? Then view the websites, subscribe to the newsletters or contact us.
Transition Programme for Innovation without the use of animals
Animation: We all want a safer world for humanity, animals and the environment
3Rs Centre Utrecht
Website 3Rs Centre Utrecht Contact 3Rs Centre Utrecht
Animation: Connecting the 3Rs and NAMs
Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes (NCad)
TPI Utrecht
Website TPI Utrecht Contact TPI Utrecht
Video: Transition Project to Animal-free Innovation
Certificate of participation
Did you participate in the conference and would you like to receive a certificate of participation? Send your request to Enter the information that you would like to appear on the certificate, such as name, titles and organisation. We will send you a digital certificate as soon as possible.